The Fort Worth Market in April 2019
Zip Codes 76107 · 76109 · 76110 · 76116

Here is the an update on what happened in the real estate market for homes in the Fort Worth zip codes of 76107, 76109, 76110 and 76116 for April 2019.
Here is the an update on what happened in the real estate market for homes in the Fort Worth zip codes of 76107, 76109, 76110 and 76116 for April 2019.
Here is the an update on what happened in the real estate market for homes in Aledo ISD in April 2019.
1 7 5 C R O O K E D C R E E K D R I V E in A L E D O
$699,999 / 5 Bedrooms / 3.2 Bathrooms / 4,315 Square Feet / 1.2 Acres
1 0 5 W E S T M E A D O W L A N E in W E A T H E R F O R D
$699,900 / 3 Bedrooms / 2.2 Bathrooms / Private Hanger / Directly on Airstrip / Brazos River Access
River Front / Gated Community / Private Airstrip in Neighborhood
1 8 0 6 L A K E R I D G E D R I V E in W E A T H E R F O R D
$347,500 / 3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms / 2851 square feet / Pool
There has been a lot of movement on getting Walsh ready for home buyers this Spring. They’ve announced the builders – David Weekly, Drees, Highland, and Village. Toll Brothers will also be building in Fort Worth’s newest master plan community! With such a large development and multiple builders, it can be difficult to navigate all your options – lot size, placement in the community, style of home, not to mention price and square footage! I have gathering all available information to give you the much anticipated pricing and floorplan/elevation information for Walsh! Read more